Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a distro that focuses on simplicity and elegance. Making Arch Linux distro inspired by others, namely minimalist CRUX, and the first release in 2002. Arch Linux is a binary distro (binary distributions) in which aplikkasi packages are distributed in binary form rather than in the form of source code. The release distro rolling release model by providing new packages every day. The official release only provides basic system with a standard CLI (Command Line Interface) to enable users to customize it. As with any other linux distro Arch Linux can also be downloaded at the site.

Want to use Cinnamon on Arch Linux? Perhaps you would be interested in this distro is a Linux Cinnarch.
Arch Linux distro is one of the most respected in the open source community, many who do the remix and spin-offs. As did # ArchBang with Openbox desktop look and Chakra with KDE desktop environment. If there were very interesting to develop Cinnamon desktop environment commonly found in Linux Mint, is now available on the basis that Cinnarch ARCH Linux.

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