Fedora Linux Distro

Linux distro that this is indeed the first time to publish it to the public in 1995. although already released quite a long time but its popularity just starting up in 2004.

Security is one of the important features in Fedora. One feature that is found on the Fedora-enchance Securtiy Linux, Linux feature that implements linux security policy, including oversight aksess command, through the Linux security module in Linux kernel. Fedora is one of the leading distribution with SELinux. SELinux was introduced in Fedora Core 2. but this is disabled, because it radically changed how the operating system works, but turned again on Fedora Core 3 and introduced with little right.

Fedora operating system is fast, stable and great for everyday use built by a community of friends around the world. Fedora is completely free to use, learn, and share. do not hesitate to use it.

to download fedora, please click here.

Recommended installation requirements:

  • 64-bit Intel-compatible PC
  • 1GB memory (RAM)
  • 10GB space disk / storage

:: student of amikom college

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