Debian Linux

Debian is a distro that is popular and relegated to various popular distributions such as Linux Mint, Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS etc.. Debian also supports a wide range of processor architectures such as ARM dil outside of Intel, MIPS, PowerPC, s390, HP-PA, etc.. with the support of the other platforms facilitate the use of the same OS platform in different hardware environments.

advantages of Debian is 'kernel independent', that developed pure Debian operating system without relying on existing operating systems.

  - Debian package known super-stable, which means not a package "state of the art".
- Package maintenance system based on the "APT" sophisticated
- Maintenance of the system (update) can be handled by the intervention of a very low sisadmin
- The system just rebooted after replacing the kernel, power outages, or hardware changes, different windows operating system when the system update must be rebooted first.
- Non commercial produced by volunteers from around the world working together over the Internet, so it can be developed or used for free.

to download it, please click here.

:: student of amikom college

3 Response to Debian Linux

February 17, 2013 at 4:33 PM

what the system requirement for debian 2013? thanks for this. . .

February 17, 2013 at 4:39 PM

A Pentium 4, 1GHz system is the minimum recommended for a desktop system.

April 4, 2022 at 6:57 AM

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