
Ubuntu - Who is not familiar with this one distro. Distro which very popular among users for personal desktop. Its stable and a lot of software support makes Ubuntu to be one of the most popular linux distro among others.

For ordinary users, this linux distro is suitable for easy operation. Substitution Coupled Unity desktop Ubuntu to add an amazing visual display. Things ought to be proud of ubuntu is very much a software repository, ubuntu community support is high and driver compatibility for a wide range of computer hardware.
Here, should allow even someone fairly new to installing Ubuntu or Gnu&Linux to easily install a usable system with enough room to be comfortable. The Recommended Minimum System Requirements for Ubuntu:

  • 700 MHz processor (about Intel Celeron or better)
  • 512 MiB RAM (system memory)
  • 5 GB of hard-drive space (or USB stick, memory card or external drive but see LiveCD for an alternative approach)
  • VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution
  • Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media
  • Internet access is helpful 
A good "rule of thumb" is that machines that could run XP, Vista, Windows 7 or x86 OS X will almost always be a lot faster with Ubuntu even if they are lower-spec than described above. To download your ubuntu, please click here.

:: student of amikom college

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